How do you pick a church? Why are there so many different denominations? These are questions that I will try to answer. Hopefully by this, more understanding and wisdom can be applied so that it won't be such a stumbling block to people.
When I first got saved 22 years ago, I came out of one religion, which claimed to be a "Christian" religion. But it was just that, a religion. As a new believer in Christ, I was introduced to the concept of having a direct relationship to God through His Son Jesus Christ. The old way in the religion, you had kind of a membership of sorts with the church, and relied on the church and their doctrine to save you. (which it didn't, I might add).
Many Christians today are still relying on the "church" to do the saving for them. They got saved, but they are still practicing religion according to denominational rules and cultural traditions, instead of according to the bible and the freedom of the Holy Spirit.
It is not wrong to attend one of these churches as long as you realize that your personal relationship with God is between you and God. Not between you and the denominational church.
On 6/2/2010 and 6/3/2010 I wrote two posts entitled: God in a box and God outside the box. You could find them in the blog archive on the right side of the page.
In these two articles I wrote about this very thing of religion confining God to the boundaries of man-made denominational rules. The only thing we should use as a denominational guideline is the Word of God. Some churches have a lot of extra rules that are not in the bible. Like no wearing hats to church, or jewelry. Or no dancing. Some church denominations don't believe in using musical instruments! These things are not the doctrines of the bible. They are man-made rules. These rules restrict and confine the flow of the Holy Spirit in people putting burdens on them that the Lord did not intend! These false religions have the disguise of Christianity, but they are really a tool to trap new innocent Christians and bring them back into bondage. Some new Christians were just washed clean by the blood of Jesus being set free from the bondages of sin, and they will go to a church that puts them under a new bondage of false rules! These kinds of churches are religious and controlling. They seek to have power and control over people to get their money. They are not concerned at all with the individual believers development and growth in Christ.
Different denominations started when men, in their fleshly arguing and disagreements decided to form their "own" church or religion. In their blindness, thinking they are free, they became proud and arrogant declaring others wrong and their selves better. The bible says:
"Speak not evil one of another, brethren. He that speaketh evil of his brother, and judgeth his brother, speaketh evil of the law, and judgeth the law: but if thou judge the law, thou art not a doer of the law, but a judge." -James 4:11
These scriptures in the book of James were written because God knew that human beings would be prone to making these errors of segregation. In the garden of Gethsemane Jesus prayed:
"That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me." -John 17:21
Jesus prayed for unity among those who would believe in Him. But a lot of what we've had in the churches is discord and division. So it wasn't God who made the different denominations. It was the sinful flesh nature at work in men.
I believe though that God is in control, and He hasn't lost His people who are a part of these denominations and churches. Gods love is strong. And He didn't die on that cross in vain. So take heart! You may still attend these churches if you want to with the spiritual understanding of religion vs. relationship.
It is incredible how much God loves His people who live their whole lives in religious bondage! If they were free, they would begin to experience His love on a much greater level than they do now.
When choosing a church remember that it is not the church that saves you! It was Jesus! Try to look for a church that you know believes in the Bible as God's true Word! This type of church will be humble and will always honor the bible by referring to it a lot during preaching, and will apply it to their own lives.
Another thing to remember is that as a believer in Christ, you are part of the church yourself! And your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit! (1Corinthians 6:19)
You are needed by the rest of the church because you belong to Jesus. The church is not a building!
If you are looking for the right place to go to meet together with other believers in Christ, you should pray first and let His Holy Spirit lead you to where you should go.
I believe that God in these end times is leading His people out of the religious arena's and bondage burdening church buildings that restrict, and sending them to be salt and light in the world. People live their lives outside of the church buildings and dead denominations anyway. The life of the Spirit is where God is. God is with you if you believe in Him!