This is just a small post celebrating this WordofTruth blog being in existence for 1 month!
I started this blog 1 month after the BP oil spill started in the gulf of Mexico! Looking at all that has been written on this blog in the past month and comparing it to things like the oil spill is astounding.
To look at something like the oil spill that still isn't under control yet and compare it to your own accomplishments gives you a perspective of the size of such a disaster.
Just go to my blog archive and select the top link "2010", and it will show all of the posts since the blog began. In one month, there is a lot. For me as the author looking back at what I've written seems like a long time. And then to think the oil is still gushing!
This wasn't supposed to be a post about the oil spill, but it sure does make a point.
I have recently had to shut off my "comments" feature under my posts because someone tried to preach another false doctrine. I should of had it moderated but I didn't. And I don't know how to delete their comment. So for now that will have to remain a dormant feature. I had a few good comments too though and would like to reinstate them some day if possible. Comments are good because it lets you know who is reading your posts. My traffic counter does show me the visitors who spend a lot of time on my blog which is encouraging to me. I like to see people looking at my important pages and articles like "Jesus Loves You!! How you can be saved".
I hope that I will have many more interesting articles to post in the coming months that will attract people to a closer walk with God. That is my ultimate reason for existing. So please keep checking back.
Thank you for visiting this blog, and for reading. And may God bless each of you!