The following account is of a thing that happened to me in my earlier 20's. Approximately 20 years ago. It is a true story.
At this time in my life I had been a true Christian believer for only a couple of years. And had much zeal for the things of God. I had volunteered my time and efforts to a ministry outreach program in the inner city of a large city. I did not have much money at the time. In fact I had become jobless and nearly homeless when the pastor of this outreach told me that I could live inside the ministry building. The building now was an old warehouse that was being converted into a place where they could meet for church services, and for reaching out to help the needy in the community. It was a dirty building needing lots of work. I volunteered to do some of that work as well as ministry activities. I slept on a cot that was donated by someone to the church.
One day, I became very ill. I don't know what it was. Maybe it could have been food poisoning. Or,...just poisoning of some kind.
This was not the only time I had been poisoned. In fact I have since had poisoning of some sort a few times since. Not ever knowing what exactly caused it.
Living in such a place I knew there were some strange things going on around me, to other people as well.
Anyway, one night I did not feel well and went to bed. Some time during the night as I was sleeping, I became very aware of my surroundings. I knew it was in the middle of the night as I sat up in bed. Even though the lights were off, I could still see in the dark. I would describe it as night vision the military uses those special night vision goggles they have. Anyway, I felt strange like something was different. I tried to look at my hand in front of my face, but I could not see it. I tried to touch my face, but my hand went right through my head! I looked down at my knees as I was sitting on the side of the bed, but only saw the side of the bed and not my knees. It was as if I was hovering. Then I looked back at my pillow and saw myself laying there! I actually was experiencing being outside my body and seeing my body laying on the pillow. It was scary. I did not see any one else. No angels or demons, or God. No one was there with me. I was all alone. I didn't see any tunnel or heaven or hell, just the room in the natural. I tried to move a pencil laying near by but it wouldn't budge. The pencil seemed to weigh 10 tons!
I became a little more fearful being outside my body. And I didn't like it. I felt that outside my body I had no control. I could not interact with the physical realm at all. All I could do was float.
I became increasingly alarmed and concerned. Luckily I knew some scriptures. I immediately moved my self back toward the bed where my body was laying. I decided that I wasn't going to accept this situation that was happening to me. So I began to fight. I was wrestling against the spirit of death. Even though I didn't see it.
The bible says: "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." -Ephesians 6:12
So I spoke loudly in my spirit. (I couldn't control the lips on my body) I said, "In the name of Jesus, I shall NOT die but live and declare the Word and works of the Lord! I command this body to live and function normally in Jesus' name." I repeated this a few times and in addition I said other things too like, "I command this body to rise up in the name of Jesus! Arise and walk! I command this body to line up with the Word of God! I bind the spirit of death in Jesus name. I command sickness, disease, and death to leave me and leave my body in Jesus name!"
So I went on praying like this for a while. It felt like a wrestling match! I had to work at it. I had to fight! Then surely but slowly I could feel my body. It felt like a dead weight. It felt like a million tons of lead. But I kept fighting. Even though I began to feel my body, it didn't move at first. It took a while. But then I forced it to sit up in bed. It was so heavy that I felt literally like I was trying to pick up a dead body.
Finally I stood in my physical body out of bed! I still felt like a ton of bricks. And I also felt extremely ill. I felt like food poisoning or some other kind of poison was in my body. I struggled to the hall way and then collapsed. I opened my eyes to find myself on the floor flat on my back. I struggled again trying to get my body to function.
The next day I was sick in bed all day, but eventually regained my strength and health. And I am now alive over 20 years later to tell the story.
The strange thing is that this was not the only time I went through this. Other times I had similar experiences. I feel that the enemy of my soul was trying to kill me so that I couldn't tell people about the love of Jesus Christ which is the only reason for my existence on this earth. My relationship with God is everything I have. That is why I feel it is my reason for being alive.
I feel this is important to share with people to let them know that if you or someone you know is sick unto death, Do NOT give up! You can make it. Believe in Jesus and pray the scriptures! Some things may seem impossible to us in the natural. But all we have to do is believe in God and fight the situation! God has given those of us who believe authority in His name!
"I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the LORD." -Psalm 118:17