
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Offensive Gift

As a gift for Christmas last year, my Niece gave me a calendar with pictures of Hot Rods and fancy automobiles on it. I didn't really like it. But because it was a gift from my Niece, I hung it on the wall above my desk.

Then one day God spoke to me about the calendar. He said that the calendar was offensive to him. I said, "why God?" He said, those cars are some peoples idols!  Some people actually worship those fancy cars. They spend all of their hard earned money on them. They spend all of their time with them. They work hard on them constantly washing and waxing those automobiles. And they try to fill their hearts with satisfaction from owning those idols.

"For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God:" -Exodus 34:14

So I took the calendar down off my wall and threw it in the trash.  At that point it didn't matter that it was a gift. I know my Niece meant well. But I have to obey God.

Something that may seem small to us is not to God!  He cares about every little detail in our lives. When we have a close relationship to God, even the small things in our lives are important to Him.