
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

New video feature added to WordofTruth blog!

I just added a new Vodpod video widget to this WordofTruth blog! This is a good change for this blog because now there will always be something new for people to watch here. Lately I have not been posting daily like I did for the first month of this blog's existence. I have had to concentrate on another area of my life for now. As the author of this blog I currently have to cut down on my posting frequency. But having some good video's should make up for some of that. The video's I will select will be ones that will express the Truth in the best way possible. I love these video's. Sometimes you can communicate things better through a video that is done well, than through an article. Some people don't want to spend the time reading, and for them I have the video's now.

Another change to the blog is the elimination of the Blogfrog widget's. That originally was put on this site to bring traffic. It has not done it's job very well, and so I removed it along with a few other links that changed since being here. Sometimes you can post a link from another site, and then they change their content to include things I don't want linked to this blog. So the best thing is to remove it altogether.

Hopefully all of you visitors and readers will enjoy the changes and continue to come back for more. I appreciate each of you, and am glad that you have visited my blog. Thank you!